The Ultimate Guide to Getting More Appointments for Ketamine Therapies

Ketamine therapies are beginning to get more mainstream and unfortunately, there's still a paradigm to break... and it's not easy!
Getting new clients is still another issue! Many people don't have an idea of how these therapies could help. Finding the right way to get new clients for these therapies is a must.
I know it is not easy... I totally get it, I was influenced by my family and friends before knowing the power of these therapies, and now they have opened their minds to the benefits these "tools" bring.
The good thing is that there's an open space for ketamine therapies to thrive and in this article, I'm going to share with you awesome steps to make your business grow by implementing the wisdom of current marketing masterminds' tactics...
Step 9 will blow your mind and will make you want to get more appointments than ever before!
And as a gift for your visit, you may request a free personalized business growth potential report that we'll explain in steps 6 and 9. Click here to request it.
STEP 1: Define your brand and avoid being perceived as a commodity
STEP 2: Identify your perfect customer and their transformation
STEP 3: Perfect your messaging
STEP 4: Define your services and create offers
STEP 5: Make your offers easy to get
STEP 7: Share your expertise with the world
STEP 9: Behold and reap the rewards of massive exposure!!
STEP 10: Put your Entry Level Offer to work!
STEP 11: Motivate your clients
STEP 12: Present your main offer
STEP 13: Get recommendations or comments about your work
STEP 14: Look at how to incentivize your customers to present you to other businesses
STEP 1: Define your brand and avoid being perceived as a commodity
Online business is reaching a climax and a lot of people are getting into this business model. There are still a lot of opportunities... that's the positive thing!
Many businesses are lagging behind in upgrading to the new business paradigms and this is where owners have the opportunity to gain space.
Therefore, the market is full of "noise". The market is saturated and a large portion of entrepreneurs fall into the trap of being perceived as mere commodities. This is where the role of branding becomes important and powerful.
As a therapist or integrator of ketamine experiences and treatments, you will be able to differentiate yourself from so many other alternative therapies by creating your own brand as you will somehow find yourself competing with this alternative niche.
Branding matters because now people care less about where they can shop.
A logo is optional.
A unique selling proposition is a sales strategy, it is not a Brand.
A Brand is defined by the authority and personality that a company can express.
This means that the business is able to demonstrate its expertise, can generate trust, and a key element will be the ability to create an emotional bond with the customer.
In a colloquial way, we can define the Brand as an entity with a personality.
With this clear, we can start building our brand.
We start by defining our Vision, our Mission, and the Values that create our business.
Most probably this will remind you of those hard days in school when we were asked in our projects to define the Vision, Mission, and Objectives, and if you are like me this will surely make you nauseous!
Well, now we're all grown up and we're going to put this to perfect use!
You will see later in the other steps how important this is to make your business a confident and strong resource in the eyes of your visitors and customers.
So, let's get to work...
Concisely, we can define them by answering the following questions:
- What is the deepest belief we have about life and the role of our business in it?
- What is our view of the world and our position as a company in it?
- Here we define the "why" of our existence as a company.
- It is a statement that has no time horizon, it is timeless.
- It is the crucial goal we set for ourselves and once achieved we can say that we have reached a cornerstone in our journey.
- It is the gap that connects our current situation with what we wish to be (considering this desire from the point of view of our Vision).
- The mission is generally a goal to be achieved within 2 to 5 years.
- It needs to be specific, measurable, able to complete, and with a fixed date of accomplishment.
- They are the natural and inherent characteristics of the founder(s) of the company.
- It is the generally accepted standard of behavior of the company.
- Some values may change as the mission changes, and others remain intact.
- They are the human and professional characteristics that differentiate us from other businesses.
These three elements are what build the "Why" we exist as a company.

Practically we can define it in this way:
"We believe in ... (vision), this is why we must do ... (mission), and this is why we behave in this way ... (values)."
In the case of Alcyone, this is our "Why":
“We believe to be true that healing of Earth is achieved through people’s healing first, that is why we must make accessible the healing centers for people in need, and it is the reason why we share our business and marketing expertise to support alternative therapists with professionalism, empathy, and creativity”
The more we focus on the comfort or solution our customers will receive, the better!
The more we move away from bragging about the features of our products or services, the less we will be perceived as a commodity. We will be perceived more as human beings or characters that our customers will identify with.
If I consider that I exist to make money I am just more noise in a saturated market.
Now let's define the characteristics that build our authority:
- A PLAN: A brand generates authority by demonstrating how it will guide the customer through a plan of action that explains the steps necessary to achieve the expected result.
- PROVIDES ANSWERS: An authoritative business answers questions customers may have in advance.
It pays to research your market to identify what people are looking to solve and with this information create content that responds to these needs.
- STRONG OPINIONS: As an authority, it is your duty to tell the customer what to do and what not to do. Building strong thought forms and opinions demonstrates your authority.
Think about the absolutes you consider in your business and express them to denote your authority.
- CREATE ROUTINES, RITUALS, OR HABITS: If you can come up with a simple action or routine that your customers can follow this will further strengthen your bond with your customers, making you stand out from your competition and creating preference for you.
I invite you to answer the questions and considerations outlined above.
I am sure it will be very important for your business and for yourself as you will be able to perceive in a more tangible way the value that you have and that you can offer.
I know! It may sound very boring... but believe me... you will find great value in this in several steps that you will read below.
Once we are clear about who we are and what we do, it's time to identify who is the perfect person who can leverage what you are and do in the best way
STEP 2: Identify your perfect customer and their transformation
This step is super important and is another factor that helps differentiate you from the competition.
As Tony Robbins says:
"Where focus goes, energy flows."
Many times it happens that businesses focus on what they are selling and forget to think about who they are selling to.
If we focus on a specific type of customer we will be much more efficient, we will not waste time and efforts that will lead us to people who do not really need what we offer.
You can consider one or more perfect customers. This will depend on the products or services you have.
Consider one perfect customer for each different solution a person can receive. Ideally having 1 to 3 perfect customers is a good start.
In many cases, you may already know your best customers.
In other cases, it will be necessary to research, investigate, and talk to people you consider to be your best customers in order to define the template of your perfect customer.
To do this, consider answering the following questions:
Here we start in a simple way, we give a fictitious name to the person we consider our ideal client. We can also add what profession he/she has or what he/she does in life.
The goal here is to create our perfect customer in a way that is as human as possible. For this we seek to define the following characteristics:
- Age, Sex, Marital status, Number/age of children,
- Place of residence, Occupation/job title, Annual income, Level of education,
- Phrase summarizing their feelings related to the problem/objective most related to their product, Brands, or influencers they follow or relate to,
- Where they get information (books, blogs, forums, conferences, and events, etc.).
All this should not be definitive.
It is a simple way to make our perfect customer REAL.
Here we will focus on the negative, on your problems.
We are going to write down everything that our perfect customer runs away from. We should write down only the things that are relevant to our offers.
For example:
- What challenges do they have in their daily life?
- What is something they are forced to use or interact with that they find difficult to perform or understand?
- What features, or lack thereof, in products or services do they regularly lament?
- Remember to focus on questions that are related to your solutions.
Now we move to the positive side of the issue.
- What good things does your perfect customer desire?
- What things do they want and desire in their life?
The secret here is to relate these answers to what you are selling. Remember, people have values that they stand on.
Try to get inside their mind to understand what they really value, how their values affect the things they want, and the goals they set for themselves.
In this section, we will consider the things that the perfect customer runs away from and the things they want to achieve in order to define features in our offer that are a must for this customer.
Let's think about their expectations, what things would override any purchase, what objections they might have, or whether we should consider other influencers.
Here you can use Google or another search engine to learn more about the considerations you should have.
Take a pause and pat yourself on the shoulders!
You've reached a point that few ever get to!
You now know a lot about your perfect customer.
The last part now is to think about the transformation they will get with your service.
People don't buy objects and services, people buy TRANSFORMATIONS!
This means that your business is the bridge between their current situation and the position they want to be in.
A good marketing strategy will address this desired state, articulating the transformation from before they met you to after they met you.
For this we will consider 4 questions that we will consider in the situation before and after the transformation:
- What DOES your perfect customer HAVE before and after meeting you?
- How does your perfect client FEEL before and after meeting you?
- What is an AVERAGE DAY like for your perfect client before and after meeting you?
- What STATUS does your perfect customer have before and after meeting you?
Now we will get a little more into a psychological or philosophical aspect of your perfect client:
- What EVIL is affecting your client before meeting you? Here you can consider their fears and frustrations. You can consider here their possible ideologies or utopias.
- How did your perfect client overcome this evil and what GOOD does he bring to the world after meeting you? Here we consider their desires and aspirations.
A simple example is when helping a person suffering from personal insecurity. Before having a self-esteem and self-confidence treatment, this person may suffer from indecision, being a victim of others' decisions, or feeling frustrated.
After a treatment session for their insecurity the person may feel empowered because they are doing what they like to do, they may feel centered because they are clear on what they want to do, or they may even have the strength to approach another person for affection.
This last part of the process is invaluable!
With this, we can clearly know how to speak to our potential clients and draw them into their desired transformation provided by us.
STEP 3: Perfect your messaging
With the two well-honed super tools we have developed in the previous steps we can now convey the value we have in a focused and precise way.
We will call this way of conveying value the "Primal Message."
We will begin with establishing our "Value Statement."
For this we will use the following formula:
"Product or Service Name" helps "Perfect Customer" to "Description of the perfect customer's status after having met us and received our solution."
So simple! But powerful!
Remember to define a Primal Message for each Perfect Customer you have defined.
We will now consider a bit of business and marketing theory.
Clayton Christensen is a Harvard business professor and has contributed greatly to current marketing and business strategies and techniques in the world.
This phrase is perfect for what we are doing in this step because we are looking at the business from a point of view of what the customer is looking for to be done.
It is very different to say "This is what our product does" than to say "This is what you can do with our product". They seem to be the same thing but the latter is consumer-centric, while the former is company-centric.
Let's use a new formula for this step:
"When .... (present situation), I want ... (motivation or desire) so that I can ... (expected outcome)."
An example of this in Alternative Therapies may be:
"When I suffer from depression I want to have enough motivation so that I can live my days with joy and productivity."
Now the key part of this step is to get this Primal Message across through metaphors.
The perfect example is Red Bull: "Red Bull gives you wings". It conveys very well the fact that it is an energy drink.
To create your metaphor there are a few simple steps you can execute:
1. Identify Value Drivers:
For this, I leave you with a value pyramid developed by Harvard University.
Choose all the value elements that your solutions provide and choose three of these that you want to take ownership of. Once you have the value elements defined and understand them, you can go to step 2.
2. Brainstorm related concepts:
For this you can answer the following questions for each value element:
- "What is something I use every day that provides me with... (item of value)?"
- "How does (name your product/service) make me feel? What else does this make me feel?"
- "What does (name your product/service) do? What else makes me feel this way?"
3. Go Google!
We searched here for what we found in the previous questions.
We are looking for:
- Metaphor for ...
- Simile for ...
- Analogy for ...
- Things that ...
- ... concept.
Pro's secret -> Look for this in images ;)
Having images will help you a lot since it is easier to understand a concept through an image that can be described in many words.
4. The job you do:
Once you have found the metaphors, write down 3 to 5 jobs that your services perform for your clients using these metaphors. These will be very useful when you need to communicate your messages.
We are about to finish with the basics of your customer acquisition strategy.
Buckle up because we're about to take off!
STEP 4: Define your services and create offers
Most likely you already have a core offering. It's your flagship product or service.
It is wise to consider that a single product or service limits the reach our business can have.
This is why it will be necessary to have at least 2 or 3 different products or services so you don't put all your eggs in one single basket!
To start with it will be good to brainstorm what you can do or already do.
You can make a table by putting a score from 1 to 5 on each of the following questions:
- Net profit: How much do you earn from this?
- Fun and enjoyment: How much do you enjoy doing this?
- Ease of delivery: How easy is it to fulfill or deliver this?
- Ease of sale: How easy is it to explain this and sell it?
- Sustainability: How long could you do this?
- Scalability: How big could this grow?
- Automate: How easy would it be to automate or outsource this?
Put in the first column all the offers or services that you can write and put a question in each of the columns to the right of the offers. In the last column put the final result by adding up all the scores in each box.
This way you will be able to easily identify the 2 or 3 products or services that will be your priority.
I share a file with you so that you can use it and do not waste time doing it from scratch.
To download the table click here.
You’ll be prompted to make a copy of this file, so a Gmail account will be needed.
STEP 5: Make your offers easy to get
Many businesses make the mistake of selling their core offerings to people who have never heard of the business.
This rarely works because the primary offer is usually very expensive.
It is a big commitment for a person to make the first purchase with the business.
To avoid this it is good to think in terms of a sales process, or what is called in marketing a "funnel".
This funnel is designed in a way that "acclimates" the customer to the business by taking them by the hand step by step towards their desired outcome.
Once the potential customer starts getting acclimated to the business offer, it will be easier for them to make the decision to buy the main offer.
For alternative, or ketamine therapy centers, the field is very immature and there are many taboos to be broken.
This is an excellent opportunity to offer something significant or small that is part of the main offer of the business in order to familiarize the client with the main offer.
In marketing, we refer to this small offer as a "lead magnet", a "tripwire" or an "entry-level offer".
This entry-level offer should be a small part of the main offer, which should be designed to give a lot of value, more than expected so that your customers will be very interested in buying your main offer.
Por ejemplo, ofrecer un diagnóstico gratis o diseñar una trayectoria de terapia a bajo costo puede ser útil para iniciar a familiarizar al cliente con tu oferta principal.
El concepto es ver tu oferta principal y de esta extraer un parte que pueda ofrecerse independientemente para generar un compromiso con el cliente.
El compromiso se puede medir de dos formas: tiempo o dinero.
Puedes diseñar tu oferta de punto de entrada que requiera el tiempo y atención de tu cliente o puedes ofrecerle un pequeño servicio o producto por un precio accesible.
Una vez definido esto será mucho más fácil para ti obtener clientes que escojan tu oferta principal.
Hablaremos más de esto en el paso 10.
STEP 6: Use your blog
In the ancient times of doing business online, it was safe to keep the wisdom only for the “initiated” into your business.
Times have changed and now the game is based on giving as much as possible!
Therefore it is good to make a content plan to share your knowledge and experiences because this will make you very valuable in the eyes of the people who will visit you.
There are different ways to use your blog, and we believe that the best strategy will always be to answer the questions that your potential customers have or get into the conversation they are having in their head regarding your niche.
Consider these basic questions that will help you create content:
- What questions do you constantly get asked?
- What transcendental tips do you like to give people?
- What life hacks might your audience love?
- What step-by-step guides could your audience use?
To achieve this we suggest you go to and search for two or three words at most that are related to your product or service.
In fact, as a therapist you will be able to give even more value if you seek to answer questions about the problems your services solve, rather than talking about your product or service. Writing your blog post about the solution by presenting what you do will be a perfect match.
Here is an example of the questions people have on the internet about depression treatment:
As you can see, there are at least 67 questions you can answer on your blog.
I leave you here another Google Sheets file where there are all the questions, related searches, and other search engine entries that people make about depression treatment.
You will see that there are 368 different topics that you can consider to create content that answers what people are looking for in the United States.
To download it click here.
As mentioned above, you must have a Gmail account to be able to make a copy in your Google Drive.
Another option is to look for books on Amazon that are related to what people are looking to solve.
Go into the reviews section and take the time to understand what people are looking for, what they value, what was missing in the book, and what they find difficult.
Once you've identified these pain points you can create your content plan. If you manage to write at least one post a week you are well on your way.
Now, to further differentiate yourself from your competition and build trust we suggest you consider creating video content.
Once you have created your video you can get the text of the video using Rev or Amazon Web Services and you can subtitle it.
Consider that many people can't watch videos with audio, and having subtitles on your video will make your followers prefer you.
There is an SEO aspect that is greatly strengthened by putting subtitles on your videos, so don't miss out on this opportunity to rank higher in search results.
With the text that you get from the video, you can create your blog post and add the entire video to the beginning of your post.
In step 7 you will see how you can use this video and text to create your entire content campaign.
If you need a hand in deciding what content to create and where to put your efforts to generate more results we invite you to get your Free Business Potential Report, where we help you define a step-by-step content plan.
Click here to get it now!
STEP 7: Share your expertise with the world
In the last step, we mentioned how you can get the text from a video.
Now to get noticed more widely and therefore be available to more people in different places online we must use your knowledge and experience to be spread in different media.
The video you recorded you upload it on YouTube and from there you can spread it in your networks.
The best you can do is to have a video of approximately 15 minutes, touching on 7 important points.
Because you can edit this video by cutting it into 7 parts, which you can post individually on your YouTube channel as well.
Consider using these short videos to get images with an important sentence inside this video.
Post these short videos and images on:
- Facebook Feed
- Facebook Stories
- Facebook Group
- Instagram Feed
- Instagram Stories
- Instagram Reels
- LinkedIn Personal
- LinkedIn Business
For Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, or TikToks try to make each cut about 60 to 90 seconds.
Remember to put the link to your blog post in each post of the short elements where possible.
As you can see this strategy will allow you to create so much content on so many platforms that Google will see you as an authority and you will be presented among the first search results.
To be quite precise, with a single 15-minute video you can prepare 154 posts that can be distributed across all these channels. If you make one post a day, you have content for 7 weeks!
DISCLAIMER: this strategy will make more people know about you although it will take quite some time, and the only way to accelerate these results is by using paid ads.
The advantage of this is that you will have so much content published that your online presence will be very strong and available to whoever is looking for it... forever!
In step 9 we will talk more about authority and the privilege of being considered a priority by Google.
STEP 8: Build your audience
It's time to reach even more people who might be interested in your services.
The best place to start is Facebook. You can also check other platforms based on your perfect client and decide where to put your efforts in:
As you can see, video is leading in most social media platforms!
So where to start? Start looking for groups where you could find your perfect client.
For this use the worksheet we did in the second and third steps and you'll see the great value in knowing what kind of conversation you can start in these groups.
Consider some questions that convey curiosity about how people solve certain difficulties in everyday situations.
For example, "What's the best tip you could give someone suffering from depression at work?"
Once the question is posted start conversations with the responders and share your knowledge and experience to generate interest in these people.
Update your profile in each group by adding a link to your Facebook page or website, so they will start following you.
Look for questions that have been asked or are asked in the group to answer them giving much value and so you will be perceived as an expert person, you will generate curiosity, and they will seek to know what you do.
The same can be applied to Instagram.
Remember to be filling your social profiles with content as we established in the previous step.
By doing this you will be a source of inspiration, support, and solutions for your perfect clients!
STEP 9: Behold and reap the rewards of massive exposure!!
After two or three weeks that you have started conversations in groups, and people are following you on your page, you will have enough material to demonstrate your authenticity and expertise on Facebook which will be very useful when your potential customers find out what you do.
Now we will talk about the most interesting part of this guide: Massive Exposure!
Google had a turnover of 256.73 billion dollars in 2021 (that's 9 zeros after the dot!) of which 209.497 billion is advertising revenue.
This advertising revenue is divided into advertising on Google and YouTube (again demonstrating the great value of video content).
More than 81% of Google's revenue is from advertising presented to people with an interest in the published service or product.
From a business point of view we can naturally infer that Google owes its wealth to the efficiency it must have in presenting the best solution to the person who is making the query.
Now, we must understand that Facebook, Instagram, and any other social network differ from Google because of the intention that people have when they visit these platforms.
Social networks are visited to spend time, to see what others are doing, and to share topics of interest with the personal network. People are less interested in buying and more willing to share or distribute knowledge.
Search engines, such as Google, are used to get information, find a needed solution, and purchase it.
People who visit this platform are much more likely to buy because they have a specific need, purpose, or question they want to satisfy.
Here you can see graphically the importance of "being friends" with Google:
As you can see, Google and Youtube sweep all other platforms.
When using these two types of marketing, social media marketing, and search marketing, you should evaluate if you want to reach people focusing on what they are (tastes, desires, activities) or if you want people to reach your business based on the solutions they are looking for.
In our case, as alternative therapists, we are providing solutions to problems that people have, and therefore we will generate more impact using search marketing because people looking for how to solve problems will do it in search engines and not necessarily in social networks.
This does not mean that social media marketing is unnecessary. What we want to be clear about is that our primary focus will be on being found and as a second priority the use of social media.
Now, going back to Google's business model, we can ask ourselves how this giant manages to find the best solution for us.
There are two ways to achieve this.
One is through paid advertising focusing on keywords related to our work. This can be very efficient and at the same time difficult because it is possible that we are in competition with many other people who also pay for these keywords.
The other way to do it is to get Google to recognize your activity as a reliable and authoritative business.
How do we get Google to recognize us as an authority?
By increasing our Authority Score!
In order to increase our authority score and be recognized by Google, we must create massive amounts of content and be present everywhere on the internet.
Here is an example of the platforms you can consider placing your content on to help you strengthen your authority:
By creating valuable content and being omnipresent we help the landlord Google (with an 85% market share in search engines) to recognize our company and therefore differentiate us from our competition.
Don't forget that this giant has quantum computers and machine learning algorithms that are always being updated. Yet there is something primordial that does not change...
The secret here is to aim to create SPECIFIC content for our audience.
For example, searching for "depression therapy" on Google will bring up ads, hundreds of websites, and too many options to choose from.
But if we search for "alternative therapy for depression in a 50-year-old woman in Ottawa" we will find very few accurate results and it will be easier to choose what we are looking for precisely.
Google loves Brands and Omnipresence!
If Google loves brands, that's why our first step in this guide was to define our brand.
Being omnipresent for Google is the most efficient way to build your authority and thus bring more appointments to your business!
I want to share this analysis with you to motivate you to present specific solutions for your potential customers by creating unique content.
In this graph we can easily understand the concept:
On the vertical axis, we see the number of monthly searches and at the same time, we can use the same graph to define the competition that exists on these keywords.
We see that approximately 20% of the searches are of 2 or 3 words, the so-called "Head" of the searches.
The other 80% can be considered as 4 or more words. It is here where the competition is low and your content can rank positively and be proposed by Google as the perfect solution for the person looking for your service or product.
In case this has aroused your curiosity and motivation to take advantage of this opportunity to give value to your potential customers and to be shown by Google to them as the best solution in your field I have something special for you.
As stated in step 5 I again invite you to take a free questionnaire that we offer for alternative therapists to see a concise overview of the opportunities they have to be found on the internet and where they should focus their content creation efforts to achieve that much-desired authority that Google loves.
You can fill out the questionnaire when you here click here.
Creating content requires a lot of effort and dedication.
That's why dedicating yourself to creating valuable material is a competitive advantage. Few people spend time on this when this is what essentially makes you recognized as an authority and builds trust with your audience.
STEP 10: Put your Entry Level Offer to work!
At this point, you have your Facebook page and any other social media you have chosen with enough content to generate interest and credibility.
At the same time, you will have published content or at least have a map of the content you should be created to attract your ideal clients.
People will be coming from all the platforms where you have published your content as mentioned in step 9 and this will be very useful for building your audience and growing your business.
Once you have built your audience you can start offering that small inbound offer to people you think might find it valuable.
This is a very important step because this is when people start to engage with you.
Remember that there are only two ways to measure the commitment a person makes:
Time and Money.
The more time or money your potential customers invest, the higher the probability that they will decide to get your main offer.
The more value you provide and in an unexpected way, the more your customers will fall in love with you!
In this step, the use of email marketing is of high value.
You must have a website to be able to create your payment receipt page, either for your inbound offer or for your main offer.
In the case you are offering a consultancy, you will also need your page for them to fill out a form with their basic contact information and send them the pertinent information for this consultancy.
Remember that the great value of a website is that you can install a Facebook Pixel which will help you create a personalized audience on Facebook based on the people who visit your site and that will be very valuable once you start paying for advertising on this network.
If you need to set up an appointment time, we advise you to use ScheduleOnce or Acuity, which allows you to set up questionnaires before booking the appointment. Using a questionnaire also helps you convey authority and professionalism.
These two tools are very useful because they will make your process smoother, more professional, and faster.
After the pandemic of 2020 and 2021, online commerce accelerated from 5 to 7 years and people are now very impatient expecting to have everything in a few minutes. Be sure to have your website configured to be well displayed on mobile phones as a first priority.
So, solve this pain point and win more hearts!
Now we will see how email marketing will be used.
STEP 11: Motivate your clients
Congratulations! No doubt you already have some customers who have opted for your entry-level offer.
Find every possible way to motivate them and make them feel empowered, happy and convinced that their problems can be solved, that they can have a better life, and be better people thanks to the service or product you offer.
You can use the document you filled out in step 2 focusing again on the Before and After states, on the transformation they experience, and on the work you do for these people.
It will be very common that people will not accept your main offer the first time, so be prepared in advance to address any concerns they may have.
Prepare three or four mailings that respond to the main concerns or objections a potential customer may have after you propose your main offer.
Use a tool such as AWeber or ActiveCampaign to schedule these mailings to be sent in a sequence with a separation of one or two days between each mailing.
This will help encourage your customers for what they have received and motivate them to follow through with your core offering.
STEP 12: Present your main offer
It's time to serve your customers the best way you can... by implementing your core offer!
To persuade potential customers to take the most important step in your business, consider the following elements to create your core offer:
- PAYMENT OPTIONS: Try pricing your product or offer in one payment or split it into different payments. For example, if you are proposing a ketamine therapy that includes 6 sessions, you can propose USD$2,000.00 for the complete package.
In the payment option, you can make three payments of USD$747.00, or 6 payments of USD$397.00.
- INCREASE THE VALUE RECEIVED: You can think about adding some extra services to the package. For example, you add two sessions of therapy without administration of psychoactive elements, or any other small service you offer.
- RECOGNIZE THE SINGULARITY OF YOUR OFFER: Scarcity is a powerful emotion and it is widely used in business.
You can leverage this technique by limiting your offer to a decision time frame. Consider including payment methods and free additional services under the condition of taking the offer within a certain time.
We suggest a limited time between 24 hours and 72 hours. If you plan to use an email marketing strategy you can take advantage of this time to inform, motivate, and persuade your readers of the great opportunity they are about to lose.
Of course, once the time limit is over, there is no turning back. This will make you more reliable and show that you are a person of your word.
- ADD A SOCIAL TOUCH: Many people think that money doesn't make you happy. What do you think of the situation that allows you to help other people thanks to your financial availability?
Helping others with financial means can make you happy!
Try to add some solidarity to your offer. It is very likely that you have friends or relatives who do some kind of social service and maintain their activities thanks to donations.
Define a percentage of what you are charging to be donated to this social service, and you will feel very satisfied that you have won a customer, that you have supported him in his difficulty, that you support other people in need, and that your customer will also feel satisfied that he is helping other people.
Using these strategies will make your offer very attractive and difficult to refuse.
STEP 13: Get recommendations or comments about your work
Congratulations! You have served your client in the best way you can, adding the fact that you have also enjoyed it and that your business will continue to grow.
To achieve this growth there is nothing more valuable than the feedback your customers can leave about your work.
To do this it is recommended that you do it after you have delivered your service in full.
For you, therapist, we recommend leaving a few days, a week is fine, to recontact your client to find out how he/she is feeling. Surely he/she will be very well, because that is the goal of our service, right?
At this moment of communication when you see that your client is well and in a positive state, politely ask him for his feedback.
If your client is willing to do it on video it is much better!
The human factor is always important and transmitting this to others will help you build trust and strengthen your reputation.
This review can also be sent to you by email or left on one of your social media platforms.
The important part of this is to get your client's message across to others.
For this, follow this template:
- Main body. Here goes everything your client has shared.
- "Golden Nugget" title: Take a short sentence or few words from the review that makes a big impact and shows a lot of value.
- Signature line: Your client's name, profession, or trade.
- Location: This helps your local presence and helps people identify you more because you are in their region. In the case of international services, this will help you a lot.
- Image: Remember, any type of business is a human-to-human interaction.
STEP 14: Look at how to incentivize your customers to present you to other businesses
The difference between people who leave you a review and those who will be encouraged to introduce you to other people is that these encouraged people will be actively looking to spread the word about your brand, your products, or services.
The great advantage of this is that people who hear about you through your promoters will be much more inclined to become your customers.
This last step is important because you will create an army of sales force that will share with the world what you do.
An excellent example of this is to promote t-shirts or gadgets that your customers can use with phrases or designs that promote your solutions.
With this, you can be very creative in conveying a message that is in line with your brand (as defined in the first step) and with the transformation you offer to your customers.
You can promote these shirts or gadgets through email marketing campaigns.
Remember when we talked about AWeber and ActiveCampaign? This is where you can create these emails and send them to your customers.
The trick here is to use the funds obtained from the sale of these items for the foundation or solidarity institute you have chosen in the preparation of your offer.
Make it clear that 100% of these funds will go in solidarity with people in need!
With this you invest little in the items, you gain a lot by getting promoters and your customers gain more satisfaction again knowing that they are helping other people.
You can consider the company Printful, where there is no minimum order and you can ship products anywhere in the world.
Other examples of the use of promoters are the commissions you can give to these people by using an affiliate link which can be tracked with special software.
You can consider GiddyUp or ClickBank, among so many options.
With this absolute guide to generating appointments for your therapies, we have developed all the necessary steps, in detail, that you can implement in your business and expect with confidence that it will start your business growing.
This guide is like a manual for developing interpersonal relationships. Remember that any type of commerce, whether business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C) is basically a human-to-human interaction.
Therefore following these steps above will ensure that your process is smooth, strong, and efficient.
In case you have any doubts or comments about what we have shared here, feel free to write to us at [email protected]
It will be a great pleasure to be in contact with you and talk about this article.
To the success of your business!
Javier Espinoza
Founder and CEO